Time & Date Calculator

Enter the value that you want to calculate time and date..

From: at:
To: at:
Time difference:

Time between Dates:

Time and date calculator find the time difference between two dates. Our date duration calculator counts the time duration between two days in minutes, hours, days, & years. You need to determine the start date and end dates to calculate number of days between two dates. Our date difference calculator evaluates the exact duration between dates in minutes, hours, days, & years.

Here we are using US date formatting month/date/year & Time format will be hours: minutes. Our calculator used to find the time and date difference between two non-businesses or businesses date to date.

History of Time:

Few 100 years back clock is not discovered so people use to measure time by Sunlight, Sand Clock & Sundials where used. The sand clock is a device which consists of two glass chambers. One chamber is filled up with sand, this sand will move from one chamber to other chambers in dedicated time. Sundial is a device by these people knows the time by the position of the sun. Sundial has a flat plate with the gnomon (It produce a shadow) attached to it. As the sun moves the gnomon is shows a shadow in a different direction on the sundial plate by these people will know the time.

The user guide of time and date calculator:
Open Time and Date Calculator.
Select the start and end date from the calendar.
Enter the starting and ending time.
Our time between dates calculator provides you the exact days between dates.

ppm to percent conversion table

millennium1,000 years
century100 years
decade10 years
year (average)365.242 days or 12 months
common year365 days or 12 months
leap year366 days or 12 months
quarter3 months
month28-31 days
Jan., Mar., May, Jul., Aug. Oct., Dec.—31 days
Apr., Jun., Sep., Nov.—30 days.
Feb.—28 days for common year and 29 days for leap year
week7 days
day24 hours or 1,440 minutes or 86,400 seconds
hour60 minutes or 3,600 seconds
minute60 seconds
secondbase unit
millisecond10-3 second
microsecond10-6 second
nanosecond10-9 second
picosecond10-12 second

Units, symbols and conversion values used in this time calculator

To Convert from Unit Unit Symbol and Convert to ( s ) Multiply by ( s / Unit )
nanosecond ns second 0.000000001
millisecond ms second 0.001
second s second 1
second (sidereal) s second 0.99726956
minute min second 60
minute (sidereal) min second 59.83617361
hour h second 3600
hour (sidereal) h second 3590.170417
day d second 86400
day (sidereal) d second 86164.09
week wk second 604800
month mo second 2628000
shake shake second 0.00000001
year yr second 31536000
year (sidereal) yr second 31449892.85
decade dec second 315360000
century c second 3153600000
millennium millennium second 31536000000