Simple Interest Calculator

Enter the value that you want to calculate simple Interest..

Principal amount:
Annual interest rate: (% per year)
Result :
Interest amount:
Total amount:

Simple Interest Calculator

Our Simple Interest Calculator is a user-friendly tool designed to help you easily calculate the interest on your investments, savings, or loans. Whether you're saving money in an account, investing in a project, or borrowing funds, understanding how much interest you can earn or owe is crucial. Our calculator works seamlessly for various periods including days, weeks, months, quarters, and years, accommodating different currencies like the dollar, pound, euro, rupee, and more.

How It Works:

  1. Input your Principal amount: The initial sum of money placed in savings or the amount borrowed.
  2. Annual Interest Rate (% per year): The percentage at which interest is earned on the principal amount annually.
  3. Period: The duration for which the money is invested or borrowed. You can select from days, weeks, months, quarters, or years.

Simple Interest Formula:

Simple Interest (SI) is calculated using the formula:

\[ \text{SI} = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100} \]


  • \(P\) is the Principal amount,
  • \(R\) is the Rate of interest (annual),
  • \(T\) is the Time period in years.

The final amount after interest is added can be calculated as:

\[ \text{Final Amount} = P + SI \]


\[ \text{Final Amount} = P(1 + rt) \]

Example Calculation:

For instance, to calculate the simple interest for a loan amount of ₹10,000 at an interest rate of 8% for 4 years, the calculation would be:

\[ \text{SI} = \frac{10,000 \times 8 \times 4}{100} = 3,200 \]

Thus, the total amount to be paid back or the final amount after 4 years would be ₹13,200.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I calculate simple interest?
Use the formula: \(SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}\), where \(P\) is the principal amount, \(R\) is the annual interest rate, and \(T\) is the time in years.
How much is 5% simple interest?
5% simple interest is calculated as \(SI = \frac{P \times 5 \times T}{100}\), depending on the principal amount (\(P\)) and the time period (\(T\)) in years.
What is simple interest on ₹ 8000 at 12% p.a. for 4 years?
\(SI = \frac{8000 \times 12 \times 4}{100} = 3840\) rupees.
How to calculate 2 rupees interest for 50000?
This question seems to be asking for a specific interest calculation method that's not standard. Typically, interest is calculated based on a percentage rate.
Are there 2 formulas for simple interest?
Yes, \(SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}\) for calculating interest, and the total amount including interest is \(A = P + SI\).
What is the SI formula?
The simple interest formula is \(SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}\).
How to calculate percentage?
To calculate a percentage, divide the part by the whole and then multiply by 100.
What is percentage formula?
The formula for finding a percentage is \(\frac{part}{whole} \times 100\%\).
How do you calculate 5% interest?
To calculate 5% interest, use the simple interest formula with \(R = 5\).
What is a principal amount?
The principal amount is the initial sum of money invested or borrowed before interest.
How to calculate 2 rupees interest for 10000?
This specific interest calculation is unusual; normally, interest is calculated based on a percentage rate applied to the principal.
How to calculate 2 rupees interest for 20000?
Similar to the previous question, this is not a standard way of calculating interest. Interest is typically a percentage of the principal.
What is the easiest simple interest formula?
The easiest formula for simple interest is \(SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}\).
What is the simple interest on 8000 for 4 years at 2% per annum?
\(SI = \frac{8000 \times 2 \times 4}{100} = 640\) rupees.
How do I calculate 8% interest on a loan?
Use \(SI = \frac{P \times 8 \times T}{100}\), where \(P\) is the loan amount and \(T\) is the time in years.
What is the simple interest on Rs 4000 at an annual rate of interest of 5 for 6 months?
For 6 months, \(T = \frac{6}{12} = 0.5\) years. \(SI = \frac{4000 \times 5 \times 0.5}{100} = 100\) rupees.